Take Action to Create the Life of Your Dreams
Many of us envision a life somewhat different from our reality. However, I have come to believe that everyone can achieve the life of their dreams, if they are willing to take action to create it. This may seem like common sense; but, it’s more common for people to convince themselves that what they “really” want is out of reach as opposed to making a decision to take action towards creating the life they desire. One of the key areas in one’s life that can affect the quality of life involves relationships, especially those relationships closest to us (i.e., family relationships, professional relationships, etc.). Therefore, it’s essential that we learn to be honest with ourselves regarding the state of our relationships and do what we can to make improvements. Sometimes this may result in letting go of the relationship all together!
There are numerous benefits to creating and/or maintaining positive relationships. Studies show that healthy relationships lead to better lives. People who have healthy relationships tend to live longer, feel happier and have a greater sense of fulfillment. Consequently, it is worth one’s while to focus on improving relationships because the implications of not doing so are far reaching.
You may ask yourself: “What are characteristics of a healthy relationship?” Healthy relationships are loving in nature, which simply means that when someone loves you he/she wants the best for you. This will be demonstrated in word and deed. Additionally, in a loving relationship, a genuine sense of care and concern is consistently exhibited, which includes support when and where needed. Honest, open-communication is also extremely important to create a positive relationship.
Conversely, unhealthy relationships lead to disease. Just as the word indicates, “dis-ease” is uncomfortable and may create serious illness, (i.e., high blood pressure, cancer, etc.). Furthermore, studies have shown that people who experience poor quality relationships are prone to be depressed or stressed-out. What are the factors contributing to an unhealthy relationship? There are two primary ingredients that are present in an unhealthy relationship: dishonesty and selfishness. It is virtually impossible to have a solid relationship with someone who refuses to tell the truth and/or refuses to accept the truth. In addition to that, people who only focus on what they want and need will have a difficult time creating harmony in relationship with others. Positive relationships require reciprocity.
Since relationships greatly impact the quality of one’s life, it’s important to take inventory and make changes where needed to achieve improvement. To that end, a Life Coach can be very helpful. “Coaching is a professional relationship that enables a client to move forward in his or her work[life] or business with greater clarity, focus, momentum and success by finding and creating his or her own answers. All the answers are inside the client and a coach enables each client to find his or her “right” answers. Through the coaching process the client will experience: awareness, clarity, motivation, and confidence.” – World Coach Institute, Inc.
One of the most important relationships is the relationship with “self” as every other relationship is affected by how we see ourselves. Through coaching it is possible to expose limiting beliefs and see more clearly how one’s perspective can play a huge part in creating patterns of behavior which may not serve the greater good. These patterns of behavior affect the way we relate to others and experience the world. Some of the core ways of being required to create a positive relationship include love, trust, forgiveness, gratitude, patience, and compassion (not necessarily in that order). Depending upon the state of your relationship(s), forgiveness may create the biggest challenge. And, in some cases self-forgiveness is the first step towards creating positive change. Combined with coaching, daily prayer, meditation, and open honest communication can reap amazing benefits.
Are you ready to live the life of your dreams? Then, let’s take deliberate action. Start by visualizing life the way you want it to be. See it. Feel it. Taste it. Next, create a plan. What is the first thing you need to do? What relationship will you focus on healing? Who will you ask to help you? Do you want a coach? If so, I’d be honored to provide guidance and support.
Here’s to your success!